JCSD Board

JCSD Board of Directors

What is the JCSD and JCSD Board of Directors

The Julian Community Services District or JCSD is a Public Agency formed for the purposes of supplying water to consumers in the 271-acre area of downtown Julian, California. The JCSD was formed in 1964 under the laws of the State of California. The JCSD Board operates the District on behalf of all its  water consumers and subscribers. The JCSD Board sets JCSD policy to control all property and equipment (wells, tanks, pipelines, connections, valves, gates, fences, pumps, chlorination stations and other property), and hires employees to manage and operate the water distribution system. The JCSD Board controls water being turned on, turned off, and regulated. The District Board directs the maintenance, repair, and replacement of JCSD property and equipment, and directs inspection of any part of the supply system. Though the District makes every effort for a smooth orderly flow of clean clear water to our consumers, we cannot guarantee delivery of water and assume no liability for any damages due to interruption of water delivery.  Here at the JCSD, we caution all water users whose needs or business demands an uninterrupted supply of water to provide for adequate emergency supplies.


Julian Community Services District Board

Joseph Romano – President

Matthew Kraemer – Director

Yesenia Rodriguez – Director